Beard trimmer purchasing advice: how to choose the right product

  • What You Need to Know
  • Beard trimmers are not suitable for complete shaving, but for shortening the beard and cutting contours.
  • The devices differ in the way they work and are equipped differently depending on their use.
  • The type of beard is decisive for choosing the right beard trimmer.
  • The quality of a trimmer depends on the functions, the equipment and the handling. Pay attention to the manufacturer’s specifications!

What are the benefits of beard trimmers?

A beard has been a constant companion of many men since time immemorial. From ancient times to modern times, beards have been worn and groomed: as a fashion trend, political statement or out of good manners. Today, facial hair is more popular than ever. However, those who follow the trend must make sure that their beard looks well-groomed. For this, beard trimmers, also known as beard trimmers, are indispensable. With them, the beard wearer brings his beard to the desired length and chooses an individual style. Individual beard hairs that stick out can quickly give the appearance something unkempt. With a beard trimmer, the beard gets a well-groomed look quickly and easily.

Hair trimmer ≠ Beard trimmer

Some men also use hair trimmers for the beard, but as the name suggests, there is a difference: hair trimmers are designed for the hair on the head. The arrangement and nature of the blades are different. They are much coarser and mostly made of stainless steel. Hair trimmers also require far less precision.

Choose your device

There is a wide range of beard trimming products to choose from. It is important to inform yourself about the different beard care devices before buying a beard trimmer so as not to be confused by designations and labels.

Overview of different razors

Straight razor/shavette

If you like it traditional, you can still use the classic straight razor. Handling it requires a bit of practice and dexterity, but it also gives your beard and contours a personal touch.

Straight razor

This is a razor for wet shaving. The replaceable blade protrudes a little on both sides of the plane head to prevent injuries. It therefore offers more safety than a straight razor. The plane removes beard hairs completely.

System razor

The further development of the razor plane and currently the most common device for wet shaving. The razor has a replaceable multi-blade head and is also used to remove beard hairs completely.

Electric shavers

They are electric shavers for dry and wet use. Electric razors are not very precise because the length of the blades cannot be adjusted. They are designed for a smooth full shave.

Overview of different trimmers

Beard trimmer

Beard trimmers are used to shorten the beard. The blades are very thin and their length is also adjustable. Due to their high precision, trimmers can also be used to cut contours. They are suitable for every type of beard.

Detail / precision trimmers

These devices have smaller heads than normal trimmers. They can be used to trim very precisely under the nose or on the chin. They are not primarily intended for shortening the hair, but for grooming the contours.


The all-rounder among the trimmers. They are suitable for cutting hair as well as for depilation of the body and beard care. However, precise beard trimming is not possible due to the coarse settings.

What to look for when buying a beard trimmer?

First of all, you should choose a product that suits your beard type. A conventional beard trimmer is suitable for the care of a multi-day or full beard. If you have a musketeer or henriquatre beard, a detail trimmer is also recommended. If you only want to roughly trim your beard and shave other body hair, you should go for a multigroomer. In addition to the type of product, the features and characteristics of the shaver are also relevant: blades, attachments, battery, functions, cleaning and handling should be matched to the preferred use. Finally, the price is also decisive. High-quality models are usually more resilient and have a clean cutting pattern.



The quality of the blades is decisive for the efficiency of the trimmer. Here it is important to pay attention to how the blades are coated: Carbon, titanium, ceramic or stainless steel. The coating gives the blades increased strength and ensures their longevity. Carbon and titanium coatings are harder overall. Some models also have self-oiling and self-sharpening blades. The former are automatically oiled via an oil tank in the housing while moving. Self-sharpening blades are aligned during operation so that they sharpen by rubbing against each other. Accordingly, the blades hardly ever need to be changed. But even in such cases, replacement blades are available for most models.



Depending on the desired beard length, a different attachment is needed. Special, finer attachments designed for contours can also be selected. On some devices, the blade length can be adjusted directly on the device. These models should have a lock function that prevents the selected setting from being adjusted by applying too much pressure while shaving. If you work with attachments, it is important to pay attention to their strength. Stainless steel is robust and does not bend when shaving. The attachments should be neither too hard nor too soft. Despite a flexible trimming head, stable handling must be ensured.


 Rechargeable battery

With a rechargeable battery, the beard trimmer can also be used on the go. Devices with an LED charge indicator inform you about the battery status. With an additional quick-charge function, trimmers only need to charge for a few minutes to allow at least one shave. Beard trimmers with nickel-metal hydride batteries are inexpensive, but also have a long charging time. Trimmers with lithium-ion batteries are more expensive, but also higher quality and longer lasting. Some beard trimmers can also be operated by cable in addition to the charging station. In this case, you are not dependent on the station and can even charge the trimmer during operation. However, such models are not completely waterproof. Many trimmers that are charged via the charging station, on the other hand, are.



First and foremost, you should pay attention to the specifications for cutting length and width. The larger the selection and the finer the gradations, the more flexible the beard care. The cutting width is primarily relevant for contours and “narrower” parts of the face, such as under the nose or around the mouth. Modern beard trimmers also have some practical gimmicks: a hair extractor ensures that a large part of the hair is sucked in directly after trimming. Laser projection is used for precise trimming of beard edges. Lines projected onto the face serve as a guide. The trimmer’s memory function saves the settings for the next beard trim.



In terms of device care, a waterproof model is recommended. In the product description, you should pay attention to the difference between “washable” and “waterproof”. The former means that only the shaving head can be easily cleaned with water. “Waterproof”, on the other hand, means that the entire device can be cleaned and used under water. When using it, just be aware that wetness on the trimmer as well as on the beard can lead to compromised results. Use a cleaning brush to clean the beard trimmer after each use. The brushes are usually included, but a toothbrush will do as well.



Before you use a beard trimmer for the first time, you should hold it in your hand and try out how the device reacts to your movements. The ergonomics of the handle can have a negative influence on the cutting pattern if the beard trimmer does not fit properly in your hand. The handle should offer comfortable handling and slip resistance. Models with a rubber grip and ergonomic shape are recommended. Narrow and edge-free devices are particularly suitable, as they are easy to handle and allow precise guidance. In addition, the controls should be easy to reach and arranged in such a way that accidental pressing during the trimming process is avoided.

What needs to be considered when trimming the beard?

When using the beard trimmer for the first time, it is recommended that you first select a longer setting. Then you can see if you like the length. If not, it is still possible to trim the beard further. For a full beard, trimming lengths of over 10 millimetres are needed, while the setting for a three-day beard should start from 0.1 millimetre. You should be careful not to trim the beard when it is wet, as the beard hairs are smoother. Trimming straight hairs can lead to uneven results. Move beard trimmer with attachment against the direction of hair growth; without attachment, trimming is also possible with the direction of growth. As a general rule, avoid heavy pressure as this can lead to skin irritation. In addition, several repetitions are recommended to shorten all protruding hairs.

Who does a beard suit?

A beard does not suit everyone. It should be coordinated with the rest of your appearance and fit your individual beard growth. A beard only fits well if it harmoniously complements and emphasises the facial lines of the wearer. It is also important to take care of the trimmed beard and the skin underneath: oil, wax and pomade soften the hair and moisturise the skin. Regular combing and brushing helps to prevent the beard from becoming matted.

Beard care made easy

Beard care requires time. If you don’t have it, it’s better to shave it off. A well-fitting beard not only needs to be trimmed to the appropriate fit, but also cared for beyond that. Beard hairs require daily washing. Their structure is more similar to pubic and armpit hair than to main hair. These areas of the body contain sebaceous glands that produce the body’s own odours. To prevent unpleasant odours, regular cleaning with beard shampoo is essential.

 Beard care products

Afterwards, the beard should be dried and smoothed. Use a commercially available hairdryer to dry the beard; optionally, the beard can be straightened with a straightening iron if it is long enough. For combing, beard combs or brushes specially designed for facial hair are suitable. The latter massage the skin and remove sebum, while the former also detangle more robust hair. It is advisable to choose a comb made of soft material, such as wood, horn or natural rubber. But regardless of whether it is made of this material or metal, make sure it is well made.

To keep the facial hair as supple and soft as possible, it is worthwhile to use beard oil. This mixture of a carrier oil and a scenting substance makes the beard supple. It also gives it a pleasant scent and a healthy shine. Above all, beard pomade gives strength. To prevent the hair from sticking out in all directions and to ensure that the beard retains the shape that trimming has given it, it is advisable to add a little pomade to the hair. A few skilful hand strokes will tame even the most unruly facial hair.

Beards need hold

Pomade is often referred to as wax. But this is not quite right: wax is only one component of pomade; it also contains fat, vegetable oil, vitamins and perfume. The more wax is used in a pomade, the firmer it is. For a very firm hold, beard polish is recommended. If you prefer your beard to be naturally soft, you should use a beard balm.

From stubble to full beard: Beard fashion

Many beard types are not a new phenomenon of the 21st century, but can be found in many different centuries. In the end, the beard is like the wheel: it cannot be reinvented. However, there are countless variations, some of which differ only marginally from one another. Each type of beard requires a different kind of care.

Three-day beards, for example, need to be kept short. They should look natural and unintentional. They should not grow too much, but also not look like they have been painted on. A full beard, on the other hand, can be a little more rampant, but it should be kept in shape. With some full beard variations, such as the banded beard, it is important to keep the whiskers thin, as a “lion’s mane” is usually not very attractive. Still other beard styles, such as the Garibaldi, thrive on the very fullness that makes the face appear rounder. A musketeer beard requires a fancy upper lip beard styling. Whether Henriquatre, Goatee, Fu Manchu or Soul Patch: a good-looking beard needs to be groomed.

Different beard lengths

Stubble beard

This is the classic among beards. Even men with little beard growth or thin beard hair can follow the fashion trend. The complexity is kept within limits: Let the beard grow for a few days and then trim it regularly to a few millimetres; the natural beard look is finished. But even a three-day beard needs to be cared for: Washing the face or the beard hair and oiling it occasionally are advisable for the skin and hair. However, the amount of care required is comparatively low.

Stubble beard

Full beard

This beard is another classic. The prerequisite is a reasonably extensive beard growth. It is important that the full beard does not grow out, but is trimmed into shape. Many men are proud of their facial hair, but it is not everyone’s cup of tea: the care is quite time-consuming. A full beard must be washed, combed and oiled regularly. This is essential for a clean and good-smelling presentation of the facial hairstyle. In addition, a brush is recommended to massage the underlying skin and remove sebum.

Full beard

Chin beard

Small but mighty. Chin beards only cover part of the face. Optionally, the beard can also be extended to cover the lower jaw. The complexity of chin beards is limited, as they are usually minimalist and kept short. But since this is also a beard, you must give it the appropriate care. Regular washing is indispensable to prevent odour. It is also advisable to comb it afterwards, especially to prevent longer hairs from tangling. Overall, however, the amount of care required is minimal.

Chin beard

Chin and upper lip beard

The combination of chin and upper lip beard is a beard look that was already in fashion centuries ago. Either let the ends of the two individual beards grow together à la Henriquatre or keep them separate. The cheek and neck areas are shaved completely. If you opt for the separated moustache, you have to make sure that the beard still turns out symmetrical. In addition, the connection of the chin beard to the soul patch is important to create a visual bridge. The maintenance effort is minimal, but these beard types are quite fancy and require sensitivity in their design.

Chin and upper lip beard


This form of facial hair is not as common nowadays as it was a few decades ago. Optionally, you can limit yourself to sideburns. In the case of the whiskers, the cheeks are covered with beard and merge into the moustache. Only the chin and lower lip area remain free. It is important that the edges to the inside of the chin are cut straight and form a line upwards to the corners of the mouth. The sideburns beard can be worn a few centimetres longer, depending on taste. The beard style is quite simple, but the maintenance is a little more extensive. Rule of thumb: more beard, more care.



There is also styling potential above the lips. In the case of the horseshoe or the Fu Manchu, the beard grows down at the sides. Alternatively, only the upper lip hair can be styled. It is up to your taste how fancy the moustache looks in the end. You can let it grow very bushy or reduce it to a minimum. Twirled ends make for a particularly extravagant appearance. Apart from the classic moustache, upper lip beards are quite a complex style despite their few hairs: they require a very accurate cut and also a lot of care to keep them shapely.


These are just a few of the well-known and popular beard styles. There are many other ways to accentuate the face with hair. Often there are only small but subtle differences between the styles. Above all, it is important that the beard matches the individual beard growth as well as the overall appearance of the wearer.

When the growth stretches out

The longest beard ever possessed by a man belonged to Hans Nielsen Langseth. At 5.33 metres, the Norwegian, who died in 1927, still holds the official record for the longest beard.

Leading beard trimmer manufacturers

There are many products from numerous manufacturers on the beard trimmer market. Below are some sample models from the market leading manufacturers.

The Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft focuses on design in their beard trimmers. The HSM/R 5638 has a unique look, but is less handy than competing products. The device is multifunctional and can be used as a precision trimmer as well as a hair clipper. The models 5596 and 5614 of the HSM/R series can also be used to trim the hair on the head. All devices can be washed under water, work with a rechargeable battery and have stainless steel blades only. The AEG beard trimmers are equipped with comparatively few functions, but they also cost only 15 to 20 euros.

The French company produces beard trimmers that have a cutting length of either 0.4 to 12 millimetres or 1 to 35 millimetres, depending on the model. The former category includes devices that cost between around 40 and 80 euros. The beard trimmers can also be used as precision trimmers. The Japanese Steel Beard Trimmer advertises blades that originate from Japanese forging. The Beard Trim is designed for lengths of up to 35 millimetres. The model, which comes with a hair catcher, can be bought for around 40 euros. The I-Stubble by BaByliss is a precision trimmer for lengths of 0.4 to 5 millimetres that comes with a digital display of the cut length. However, the device costs around 100 euros.


The beard trimmers of the BT series offer up to 39 different cutting lengths and also advertise blades that are sharp for life thanks to the self-sharpening function. In addition, the trimmers from the German manufacturer have AutoSense technology. This recognises your beard growth and adjusts the power of the motor to the beard density. The Braun devices have a quick-charge function and are 100 per cent waterproof. The trimmers are therefore also suitable for on the go. The models differ in their accessories and in their compatibility with the various attachments. The BT3021, for example, is only suitable for shorter beards. The BT7040 and BT7020 can trim long beards and can also be used as precision trimmers. Depending on the model and supplier, the devices can be had for around 30 to 60 euros.


The German company sells beard trimmers in the MC and MT production series. The MT 6340 model has a high-quality carbon cutting set and 30 different cutting levels. The device received a good quality rating in a test by Haus & Garten Test and can be bought for around 30 euros. The MC 9542, which can also be used under running water, convinced the editors of ETM TESTMAGAZINE. The price of the model is around 40 euros. On average, Grundig trimmers are cheaper than those of the competition. The German manufacturer attaches particular importance to the quality of the blades in its beard trimmers: Carbon, titanium and ceramic are standard.


The Japanese electronics company offers various beard trimmer series. Some models, like the ER-GB96, have up to 58 cutting lengths thanks to various attachments. Head, body and beard hair can be cut to a length of 0.5 to 30 millimetres. Operation is via a setting wheel – just like the GC series, which is characterised by its x-shaped clipper blade shape. The ER-GC71’s up to 39 length settings can be used not only for simple shaving, but also for drawing lines and working on edges. In terms of price, the devices range from around 40 to 100 euros. As a Japanese company, Panasonic also advertises Japanese swordsmanship: the razor blades are made of Yasuki Hagane stainless steel, which is traditionally used to make samurai swords.


The Dutch appliance manufacturer is particularly innovative when it comes to beard trimming technology. The company advertises the world’s first beard trimmer that uses lasers. The BT9297/15 projects a line onto your face that you cut along. With the help of the 17 different cutting lengths and the self-sharpening blades, a precise result can be achieved. The model costs around 90 euros. Another innovation that Philips advertises is the OneBlade technology. The OneBlade Face QP2530/30 is equipped with a clipper blade that cuts 200 times per second. The attachments of the 50 euro trimmer are suitable for different beard styles, but best for shorter three- to five-day beards. A double-sided blade also makes it possible to trim contours.


With its MB series, the US manufacturer offers various beard trimmer models that cost between 30 and 80 euros. The MB6850 is an innovative vacuum device that collects up to 95 per cent of the beard hairs already during use. The various attachment combs of the device, which costs around 70 euros, allow both the beard and the main hairs to be trimmed. The MB4700 costs about ten euros more and offers a memory function and SenseSpeed technology. The former saves the last four length settings and shows them on the LED display. The latter automatically adjusts the speed of the titanium-coated blades to the degree of facial hair. Remington also offers precision trimmers for 30 to 60 euros with the MB010, MB050 and MB070. The waterproof devices have double-sided rounded blades that can also be used against the direction of growth.